Live Now : “Launch Your Course” Challenge [ Dates : Nov 25th -28th @1.00pm ]

Attention : Are you ready to Launch your First or Next Course …?

Sakthi The Strategist

“Give us 90 minutes A Day…

And over the next 3 days we’ll show you how to quickly

Launch your Course

 and turn it into a business that you’re proud off”

( this can work even if you currently have no tech skills, don’t have a

product, or have no idea what strategy is yet…!)

Challenge Starts In :


Plus s FREE bonus day after the challenge with

a amazing guest speaker !!! ( you don’t want to miss this …)


There are 3 ways to launch your course online

if you pick the wrong one; it could cost you everything …

Join The Challenge Now & Get Access

Watch the Exclusive Strategy

FREE When You Register For “Launch Your Course” Challenge!

Plus s FREE bonus day after the challenge with

a amazing guest speaker !!! ( you don’t want to miss this …)

“Launch Your Course” Challenge Will walk

you through step-by-step

How to “bootstrap” your idea and launch it into the world with strategy…

And begin to generate sales without taking on a mountain of debt or falling pray to “analysis paralysis”!

Here’s What You’ll learn each day of the

3-Day “Launch Your Course” Challenge!

Here’s What You’ll learn each day of the

3-Day “Launch Your Course” Challenge!


The Structure of High Value Course

We’re not wasting any time ! we kick off the “ launch your course” challenge by unveiling the different strategical structure right now and helping you see which structure is right for your unique course!

You’ll walk away from today having learned…

The single greatest course structure that magnetically attract customers to you without having to chase or spend a tons of money on ads

How to quickly construct high valuable “throat grabbing” course that practically force customers to sit-up, pay attention and buy

Plus decoding of a case study! Including! What’s working right now for many coaching programs!


Interrupt ; connect ; convert

Want to know the real secret that blew up my clients practically overnight…?

On day 2, we’ll help you from the “back bone” to your course that allows customers to feel connected to you and your offers… so you can make more sales!

You’ll walk away from today having learned…

Your unique interrupt that no one else is doing and has the potential of reeling in the golden customers you want!

How to create your connect that resonates with your core audience… and how to “drip” this story across all of your marketing efforts for instant brand recognition !

Why most “BIG IDEAS” are not big enough , and how to position your offer based on the conversation your customers are already having inside of their heads!


Irresistible ads

Where are your “golden customers” hanging out and how can you get in front of them?

On day 3, we’ll unveil the underground traffic strategies that can open the floodgates for more highly-qualified buyers rushing to your offers!

You’ll walk away from today having learned…

How to locate your “honey hole” of golden customers who are looking for your offer!

How to automatically bring in customers or clients like clockwork without blowing the bank on running low converting leads.

How to easily create winning videos ads that Crush on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram…

What are you waiting for?!

This is literally the BEST time to launch your idea into the world… and begin making

sales so you can have the life and career you’ve always wanted!

Plus s FREE bonus day after the challenge with

a amazing guest speaker !!! ( you don’t want to miss this …)

Ready to create a thriving course from scratch in just 3 days ?

What you can Expect from the

“ Launch Your Corse Challenge”!

Before the Challenge

After the Challenge

But that’s not all !

The same reason we stay after the credit in a marvel film, you’ll want to stick around after the challenge because…

Free Bonuses !

That’s right… we are all about over delivering as much value as possible so you not only get your course up and live… but also begin to generate leads that turn into sales, which means more green in your bank account!

Bonus #1

Virtual Event – Do it Now!

We’re going to cross the finish line and get your idea launched with strategy!

The Mindset hack that helps break down limiting beliefs, so you can feel deep down that yes, you can do this!

Know the numbers game that increase your average cart value and customers lifetime value of the same time

One of our student’s bootstrap story that’ll inspire you to things outside the box, try new things and make sales your way!

Worried that you don’t have a course to sell yet?

Bonus #2

Make sales even if you don’t have a course! We’re going to a special 1 day event where you can get to learn from…

Don’t panic… we’ve also invited you peek over our shoulders and see how they are able make giant empires by never revealed strategy!

Here’s everything you get when you sign up for the…

“Launch your Course” Challenge!

One Time Offer Bonus

Normally : ₹ 30,000 Value

Today : ₹397 Only

Plus s FREE bonus day after the challenge with

a amazing guest speaker !!! ( you don’t want to miss this …)


3 Day Virtual Event : “Launch Your Course” Challenge


November 28th-31st, 2022 @ 10.00 AM IST


Because this is your time to get your ideas into the world with strategies

Now’s the time to act

Ready to launch your idea into the

world in just 3 days

Plus s FREE bonus day after the challenge with

a amazing guest speaker !!! ( you don’t want to miss this …)

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The Strategy + System that will grow your business 24/7/365…

Copyright 2022+® – High Response Strategy

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.

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